
Medical Monday Near-Infrared Light Therapy (NIR)

  What is the difference between NIR and Red Light therapy? Near-infrared (NIR) light therapy is similar to red light therapy, except infrared  energy is invisible, and it reaches even deeper into the body- into soft tissues, muscles, joints, and bones.  Near-infrared units tend to promote topical healing and mild pain relief quite effectively, but far infrared heat are incredibly effective at removing toxins, improving circulation, and relaxing the muscles.  Near-infrared light therapy is a safe effective way to reduce pain and inflammation naturally.  Our full- body light therapy treatment, targets the entire body at once to promote maximum cellular production and transportation, supporting healing and optimal wellness throughout the body. Give us a call 1st visit is always free. we are here to answer any and all questions or concerns you may have.  West Branch DPC or call 989-701-2159

Wellness Wednesday

 Wellness Wednesday!!! Im checking in with my wellness. Im hopeful for the future and what it might or might not bring. Im thankful for my family and my boss. They support me and what I think and/or how I feel. As long as you have at least one person by your side you feel like you can do anything. If you fail they will support you remember that. So today i'm going to think everyone that has stood by my side with the choices that if have made. 

Transformation Tuesday

You are the only one that can transform yourself. Today we should change one thing that would make us better. For me it will be to do one thing at a time and stop trying to do everything by myself. Its ok to ask for help. I know that but in my mind it's easier just to do it myself. It might be a small step for most but it's a big step for me.  We are also going to start up the blogs again. So every day I'm going to blog about health and wellness. Dr. Sally and I would like to start helping everyone not just our patients. So if anyone has a question or even something to say let us know. We don't get offended and we hope that no one does. Not everyone feels the same way about things and we understand that.    

Senator Colbeck and Plum Health


Plantar Fasciitis

We have had a lot of patients Ask us what they can do for their plantar fasciitis. Managing this kind of pain is hard especially if you work and have to be on your feet. My son loves to run but his left foot gives him so much pain. We would golf ball and have him roll his foot over it. then wrap a ice pack on the bottom of his foot for about 15 to 20 mins. At night he would put a sock splint on. All of this sometimes didn't work but it did help.  After talking to Dr. Sperbeck she told me to get him orthotic inserts and do stretches. They have a lot of different stretches on youtube. So we have tried a lot of the stretches and he is doing better. When it track or cross country time we will tape up his foot be for he runs. All of this has made a big difference in his life. 

Red Light

Our office is now offering red light therapy to everyone. We have came up with packages that can range from $7 to $90 depending on what will work for you. I use it everyday and my skin feels so much better. It helps with a lot. The main reason we started it was because it help patients with pain, inflammation and wrinkles. Who don't want to feel and look younger?   Red light therapy is a treatment that helps our skin, muscle tissue, and other parts of your body heal. It expose you to low levels of red and near-infrared light. infrared light is a type of energy your eyes can't see, but your body can feel. Red light is similar, but you can see it.

Christmas Light Day

" Christmas lights — lights that are hung up  on Christmas trees inside, and outside on buildings, trees, and other things — are celebrated today. They were invented in the early 1880s by Edward H. Johnson, an associate of Thomas Edison. On Dec. 22, 1882, he lit his Christmas tree with 80 incandescent light bulbs, at his home in New York City. Prior to this time, candles were the only way to illuminate trees, and it still took many years before electric lights became the main way trees were lit, and before outside Christmas lights became popular. Lights originally were put on trees by Christians, and they symbolized Christ as being the light of the world" On December 1st every year is a national day. I was reading on the internet (what's above). I never know that people would put candles in their christmas tree. To me that's a little scary. I wonder how many house were lost in that time. It still nice to learn something new. I love christmas lights the...

Snake plants

 Snake plant is one of the most popular and hardy of houseplants. With sword-like leaves it can grow anywhere from six inches to eight feet tall. Snake plants can come in different colors, many have green-banded leaves with yellow border. These plants are easy to grow. You can put them in any part of your home and they will live, with very bright light or in a dark corner. Snake plants will grow slowly in indoor light , but when its exposure to light it will boost growth. With that being said if you want a smaller plant keep it farther away from the sun light.  Snake plant is an ideal choice for beginners that don't have a green thumb. Its difficult to kill. The plant prefers indirect, steady light. They can adapt to full sun. The soil needs to be loose, sandier soil is best. For watering let the soil dry between watering. During the winter, reduce watering to monthly. Temperature should be at 70 to 90 degrees its ok if it drops low just make sure it never gets below 50 degree...

Happy Thanksgiving

 Happy thanksgiving bloggers. We are here to wish everyone a  safe and healthy holiday weekend. Have fun with your loved ones. We should all spent as much time as we can with our loved ones. We never know how much time we will have with them. Tomorrow is never for sure all we have is today.  Im thankful for my family, job, and what i do have now. My health is not the best every day, with that being said I'm still grateful for being here everyday. My kids are my life.  What are you thankful for?  

Oatmeal Bath

 Winter is hard on the skin. Soothe your dry, itchy skin with DIY oatmeal bath. An oatmeal bath is simple. It hydrates dry skin and offers relief from eczema. We recommend an oatmeal bath for skin condition. You can make your own at home for less than a dollar. All you need is quick or instant oats, just make sure they are unflavored. For a full bath all you need is 1 cup full of oatmeal. blend up the oats into powder. Then pour the oatmeal into a tub of running warm water and stir the water with your hands several times to ensure even distribution. Soak in the tube for 15 to 20 minutes. Remember this bath is not to clean your skin but to moisturize and soothe the skin, so avoid using soaps.  Skin conditions soothed by oatmeal baths: Acne, rash, dry skin, eczema, insect bites, poison ivy, oak, sumac, shingles, sunburn, and windburn.  I understand some people don't have a bath tube. I don't have a bath tube, I put the oats in a old sock and rub that all over my skin with w...