Thankful Thursday

 I am thankful for my family and friends that stand behind me. I have been learning new thing about Direct Primary Care today thing I thought I already new but there is more to it then people know. I have been in the medical field for 16 almost 17 years now and never heard of HITECH law until today. It's a little different than HIPAA, but the same. It started when everything went to EMR system. Well before that but more people are talking more about is now because of EMR. To make it easy for everyone to understand it helps protect us from the health insurance. So if we go to the hospital because of a surgery, you don't have to use your insurance if you can get a better rate doing cash. Under HITECH law the hospital is not allowed to release your info to your health insurance. 

I love learning new things. I'm so thankful for this new job with Dr. Sally Sperbeck I learn new thing every day working with her. DPC is new to me so I know it can be complicated to explain. When you get pasaniet about your health and your savings. You would see that DPC is the right way to go. I'm also thankful for blog I can write out how I feel and what i'm thinking without any make backlash. Well other then some social media that don't like titles. Nobody's perfect but if you're kind and caring that is all that matters. Be thankful for what you have you never know when you won't have it any more. Love yourself.       


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