American healthcare

      With healthcare inflammation cost now a days I ask myself why do we bow down and say yes sir. That not what we americans fought for. We stand up and speak up. Nowadays everyone is to scared to do that, Why? Everyone is scared of the government but I ask again why? This is the land of the free. We can chose not to use there high cost health insurance and see a DPC provider. You don't have to have the best of the best health insurance you can get the high deductible plan, low monthly out of pocket plan. It will save you money. I believe that DPC providers can keep you healthy and out of the hospital. If something big does happen then you will have to pay that big deductible but that's a big IF. Thats where they try to scare you in to buying the big monthly out of pocket because IF you are hospitalised you won't have a big bill. Really does that make any sense. I have never been in the hospital longer than a day i'm hitting 40, so why would I pay that much for an IF every month. 

    Let's say you have been having problems breathing. You come in to us or a DPC doctor (that day) they do a breathing test on you (Free) and you fail it. We would send you to do a chest CT out of pocket cash $200. We can get it set up for the next day. Now let's say you have health insurance You see your doctor (not DPC) you need to pay a copay, your appointment might be that week maybe in 2 weeks. They do a breathing test on you ($25) you failed, so they say you need a CT. They have to fight with your insurance company to get an authorization. That could take a week. Then the office needs to call the hospital to set it up, that could take 1 week to get that done. That almost a month that you been having this problem and you might have the a blood clot. With DPC we have already treated you and you are 100% back to normal. With insurance they would even have to fight with your insurance to put you on the right medication that would work.

    I know not everyone will read and understand. give us a call let us show you the difference.


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